Saturday, July 12, 2014

Baby #2 birth experience

I was expecting baby #2's birth to be a lot like Violets since that's the only birth experience I ever had, and plus the pregnancy was very similar. The only thing different (that is significant enough to me to observe) is my food cravings were different (with baby #2 I craved more sweets) and that I am a lot heavier (week 39 at 152lbs). Because of the heavier weight, I was nervous about delivering a big baby, which could complicate the delivery or it could just be a lot more pain. Either way, my wonderful midwife Charlotte suggested breaking my water bag to help induce the labor, which we weren't 100% certain if it would be the right thing to do, but that was what I would like to do to get this party started!

We prayed and made plans on inducing Friday morning. Caleb and I lined up work accordingly, we told family about our plans and Charlotte was scheduled to come by 7am. On Wednesday morning Charlotte swiped my membranes and popped some blisters in my cervix but nothing happened on Wednesday or Thursday. The only thing that happened up til this time was my mucus plug broke 1-2weeks prior (the Friday before Caleb was scheduled to fly to SF to spend the weekend with his brothers). Thursday night (7/10/14) came and I was so nervous about the birth - afraid of the pain, concern about the delivery, uncertain about re-visiting this experience of discomfort. God completely changed my heart! Friday morning came along and I was filled with JOY and EXCITEMENT to meet my new baby! To be able to hold baby, nurse baby, and hold baby close in my arms!

Charlotte didnt show up til 7:45am and I was helping Violet eat some breakfast (as I tried to shove some down myself). They were waiting for me downstairs so I decided to cut breakfast short and go empty my bladder before getting my water bag popped. Caleb said a quick prayer and as I stood up, my water bag broke on its own at 7:58am! Talk about miracles! All the uncertainties and nervousness of the induction went away as this was His plan all along and He was so amazing to let us know his plans!

8:45am - potential first contraction, very mild
Nothing happened for awhile so we ate lunch and took a nap. Violet also napped so we all had a good rest before labor. Midwife called and suggested taking castor oil to help contractions. But instead, we watched Princess Bride as I laid and did nipple stimulation and that's when contractions started.
12:35pm -second contraction for a minute
12:43pm - contractions continued about 7-8min apart consistently for 2hrs at 1min duration. Temperature increased to 100.2degF. Midwife return to our home at 2ish to assist since I was I'm active labor
This was a difficult labor. I had to work hard pushing. Similar to violets birth, baby was rocking in and out from the pelvic bone, unable to come through. Baby kept pushing from one side to the next, and eventually stuck on my right side, pushing into my right hip and completely numbing my right leg so it was most painful pushing through that. We did all kinds of positions: squatting. Standing, Birth stools, toilet, sideways on the bed, and back on the bed. They were all uncomfortable and tiring, and my leg kept cramping. I suppose that with a shorter labor it would then imply that your body uses up the fuel faster meaning my supply on magnesium and potassium was depleted thus causing the cramps. Just like violets birth, I didn't tear until baby was out too his shoulders. It didn't help that baby has a huge head to push out as well. Per the midwife, the biggest baby head she's ever delivered measures at 15inches and my baby is one of them,

At 7:44pm on July 11,2014, Caden Zion Martin was born at 9lbs 3oz. God is so good. 7+hr labor is better than 20+!!

I really appreciate having Diane here to watch Violet through the whole ordeal, because being able to hear her talking and laughing helped me feel at ease and focus on the labor, rather than worrying about her well being.

Recovery is slow and hard. Since I'm mostly bed ridden, I am completely dependent. I can barely move any part of my body, especially the lower half of my body. The biggest pain is on my hips and leg, specifically my right leg (must be from the pinched nerve during labor). Caleb helps me stand up so I can pee into my adult diapers (so practical yet humiliating) since my body is not programmed to pee laying down! Since it's summer it is pretty warm, so it is nice not to worry about over dressing the little guy.  Unlike violet, he is mostly sleeping. He pooped out meconium during labor, and continue pooping meconium twice after that. Good thing we applied some olive oil to help remove this tar-poop! Caleb was so nervous to wipe around Caden's privates because he understands how sensitive it is.

I miss having my mom here since I am uncertain about my own personal health. Seems like western ways are not geared towards rejuvenating the body post labor. Either way, I am thankful that Holly hooked me up with a chiropractor that does home visits and is covered in our insurance :)

Let's hope baby #3 is easier! All glory to God.