Thursday, March 15, 2012


March 1, 2012
God is good! I am not experiencing any morning sickness at all. At this point, I am about 8weeks (I think) and I am healthy as a horse. Aside from the fact that I know I am pregnant, it doesn't really show. Although, I am eating a lot. Maybe I am eating a lot because I am in Malaysia and I try to eat as much as I can LOL!

March 15, 2012
I spoke too soon...God is still good. I just am experiencing the morning sickness more closer to the middle of my first trimester. I think I started getting mild nausea on March 6th...usually occurring around feeding time. When I am hungry, I think of the different food I can eat, and the idea of eating most of it gets me nauseous. When I'm eating, I'm usually okay. The only time I'm not feeling okay when eating is when I try to swallow my pills (which I have since given up eating at the start of the nausea)'s bad enough to be gagging from normal food, I don't need the help of pills to add to the gagging! When I am done eating, I also get slight nausea because I overstuff myself. By overstuff, I dont really mean I eat too much; I mean the normal portion that I am used to is suddenly too big of a portion, so I keep trying to give out a big belch so I can make space in my tummy to reduce the discomfort...that is when the meals try to follow the burps :-( !!!

We just came back from our first doctor visit yesterday afternoon. Apparently, they dont use the handheld ultrasound checker on your tummy when you are in your first trimester. The doctor said that the baby is too small to see from the tummy, so she had to use a handheld ultrasound probe to insert vaginally to see the baby...not the most comfortable experience, but it is rather exciting when you see the baby's heartbeat!

According to my period cycle (the first day of my last period I had was on Dec 31st) I am at 10weeks pregnant, but according to this sonogram, my baby is only 7.5weeks old. It could be due to my longer period cycle from the normal 28days, I am at 32days. So if I am really 10weeks preggers, it puts my due date at Oct 9, a day after Mary Jo's birthday. But if I am only 7.5weeks prego, then the due date is at Oct 25, a day after Joanna's birthday. Either birthday, I am glad it is not a Christmas baby, and plus, it's easy to remember since it's near important people's birthday!

Looking at the picture, the long black worm is the amniotic fluid (according to Wikipedia, amniotic fluid is the nourishing and protecting liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a pregnant woman), whatever that is haha! But the baby is the white circle inside that long black worm...yes...the baby is THAT small now! Even at that size it is putting me through soooo much changes!!!We saw the heartbeat in that small circle, and it was beating super fast. We didnt really see a heart, but we saw beating which was super cool!

We have another appointment next week with a better ultrasound machine that will take a better picture of the baby, so that will help me identify a better due date and more accurate baby's age now. Until then, my job is to stay healthy and eat well. Doctor says I am to eat every 2hours..lots of snacks...high protein and lesser on the carbohydrates! Protein makes me fuller longer and carbs makes me hungry faster, and since I'm eating in smaller portion, I need to make the eating count! So we went to Costco to buy beef jerky and almonds, then we packed it into tiny bags for me to carry around in my purse so I can have my Munchy Munchy, as Mummy always calls it ;-)


  1. So awesome jojo! I love the ultrasound pic. We prayed for baby already a lot. Take good care of yourself. N eat lots often! Muacks!!!

  2. dont know how often I can keep up the blogging, but hopefully I can record the major milestones!
