Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Not the typical pregnancy

From the beginning of this blog I have been mentioning that I have an easy pregnancy, yet when I share it to people, they always tell me "oh just you will come"...IT referring to all the discomforts of pregnancy. Yet now at Week 35, I am still standing strong on my blessing from God, being able to proclaim having an easy pregnancy...below is a list of common experiences that most mothers-to-be go through. The ones highlighted are the ones I had a taste of:

Heart burn
Bleeding Gums
Varicose veins
Leg Cramps
Weight Gain
Sore Breasts
Sleeping Problems
Water Retention
Sharp Pain in Groin
Braxton-hicks Contractions
Morning Sickness

That puts me at 4/19 = about 20% -praise God for a smooth pregnancy!

1 comment:

  1. Eh, so I think u've missed a few if the pregnancy symptoms.....
    GAS!!! I've smelled it!!
    Fatigue.....all those extra naps are due to this!
    Weight gain.... I've seen it
    Moodiness..... I've been around it
    Water retention.... That's those swollen feet babe!
    Headache... u had one today,
    So I think that puts u at 11/19 symptoms.... That's more than 50%.......??
    I don't think u get to skip all the wonderful things about pregnancy!!! These are jus some of the fun ones lol
