Thursday, July 19, 2012

On going to do list

I enjoy ticking that "check box" when you get a task complete...just like crossing off an item from the grocery list when you've placed it in your cart. Getting the task done is the goal, but ticking that check box gives me a sense of is finished! Otherwise, how else do you know if the task is completely done? Some people are more organized than I am, so they may have their to-do list in their head, but I tend to forget (especially with the pregnant brain, or with a husband who says "I will take care of it" and then forgets as well).

Similar to planning a wedding or a vacation to a new place, there's a laundry list of things to do prior to baby's arrival. I've been blessed to have a husband who is helpful (after I nag and nag and nag haha!!) his excuse is "I want to be a kid for as long as I can before the kid comes!" that leaves me as the only "adult" trying to shrink the to-do list. What makes it more difficult is that we are in the midst of moving, therefore, a lot of things are changing simultaneously. Here's what we have on-going now...

  • Get life insurance quote
  • Caleb get T-Dap vaccine (need to look for primary care provider)
  • Interview pediatrician (need to research local pediatricians)
  • Fill in Cord-Blood donation paper work
  • Sign up for birthing classes (need to find one first!)
  • Finalize baby-item list (loan from Holly and purchase the rest)
  • Acquire hospital bag (since I am delivering at a birthing center)
  • Purchase more pre-natal vitamins
  • Find Chinese middle name for baby Violet/Annabel/Hailey...
  • Submit maternity leave for work
  • Figure out tax paper work changes from new addition to the family
  • Move into new apartment (get nursery ready)
  • Pregnancy photoshoot
  • Discuss expectations with confinement lady (aka Mummy!)

This list is baby-specific...we have another personal to-do list that I don't know how to get them all done by October 16! Breathe, mama, breathe!!!

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