Monday, October 8, 2012

The World's Greatest!

I cannot imagine how single parents can get through pregnancy/parenting if they don't get support. I am typically strong but I much prefer being dependent on a wonderful spouse that is helpful. I want to dedicate this blog to my sweet hubby that is doing his best to assume his role as a new daddy and my coach birth. Last week, he put a log in the fireplace and gave me a a calming and relaxing evening with a full body massage. He wasn't only loving me with his acts of service, but also with his words by affirming me that his standard of beauty is how I am exactly right now. He said how he chose not to have an active personal life outside of work because he wants to be there for me as much as he can and spend the most time with me, because this is the last of "us two alone" that we will have. (Everyone knows family dynamics changes when children enters the picture). I am very grateful that God has provided me with a wonderful husband that is so loving, supportive, helpful (especially around the home!!) and strong.

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