Thursday, February 16, 2012


I am growing out of BabyJo11 into MamaJo11! That used to be my virtual nickname since high school, and now that we found out that we have successfully conceived, I need to embrace this new role of a parent. This blog shall be my journal for my first pregnancy journey. Who knows, one day my baby will grow up and be curious about how baby and mama bonded together.

First of all, I need to stress how great God is! He is always faithful and gracioeus. There are so many horror stories about families who attempt for a child, and are unsuccessful...and that brought doubt into me-of-little-faith. Praise God for His goodness...He knows how I like to stick to plans, and He enabled my plan to align with His will! The plan is to have 3 baby Martins, approximately two years apart; 2012,2014 and 2016. That puts me at 32 when the last baby takes his first breath. So far, we are on track with 1 of 3...I cant really take too much credit for it (although the hubster did enjoy the constant trying for the month of January) since it is by His grace that we conceived.

The feeling of finding out you're pregnant is like waiting for your grades as they pass the papers around. You see people shuffle around the stack of quizzes around, as you sit there wondering why on earth did you sit so far back in the class. When the stack finally gets to you, the red mark stares at you while you wonder if it is accurate. "Maybe the teacher misgraded me...maybe this is someone else's quiz...maybe I'm in the wrong class" and the list of maybe goes on. The same goes for the three minutes you're waiting for the stick to change after urination..."Maybe its a negative...maybe we were in the wrong position...maybe we're not fertile...maybe we didn't do it often enough" When the results actually display, you question if it is true or you're so desperate that you're hallucinating a positive result.

I have yet to make a doctor's appointment, but I am believing in speaking words of life...literally. If you want good things to happen to you, it starts with faith and a positive attitude. We got me some gummy prenatal vitamins that taste super yummy. I dont know what the cost difference is compared to a regular-pill prenatal vitamin, but I will not look to potentially give myself a heartache because I won't purchase the cheaper option if it happens to be a regular-pill since I can't swallow it anyhow! One good reason (besides peeing on a stick) why we think we are pregnant is my period is very behind. Dec 31 was the first day of my cycle and it is now Feb 16. Unfortunately, I have never tracked the duration of my period cycle before, so it's not confirmation of pregnancy. However, I don't think my cycle is 47days long. I'm either 6.5weeks pregnant, or really stressed from all the changes that's happening around me now. I am not facing any other drastic pregnancy symptoms...some minor ones are random forgetfulness and occasional sensitivity to the breast. Other than that, I am as healthy as a horse. If this keeps up, it will be a great pregnancy. Afterall, my momma said she had great pregnancies through all 4 children.

My wonderful husband has the favor of God upon him as he has received employment offer with Boeing. That means we have to put our house up on the market and look for a new place to rent up north by Everett (good bye have been wonderful) as well as look for a new home church. They say moving is a high stress inducer, and stress can turn your menstruation cycle all funky. But who knows...better to be safe than sorry! Baby Caden/Novy (that's the names we have for a boy/girl so far) we love you and we are excited to embark upon this new journey together.

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