Friday, February 17, 2012

Pills, pills, pills!

Holy cow I feel like an old grandma that has a bag full of medication to take! That is not a figure of speech...I really do have a bag full of medication to take. Well, I guess I'm not old, or a grandma. But either way, pills and me don't go together. Since young, I was never taught how to swallow pills, so till this very day, I either suffer through my sickness, or gag through the medication. I usually opt for the former. Either way, it is torture for me. "Why take so many pills?", you might ask. Well, thanks to my lovely, generous, smart sister in law Holly Martin, I have the following organic pills to take...Calcium Lactate, Immuplex, and Catalyn. (I have no idea what they are, but I figured since Holly has two healthy babies and is a Certified Nurse's Assistant, she knows a thing or two about what to take) It adds up to 15pills a day...I think the most pills I've ever had to take was 15pills in a year. Talk about making sacrifices for the baby!

Want to know what vitamins I bought for myself to take? Gummies!! They are sweet and tasty. I only have to take two a day! Who cares if they are synthetic? They're cheaper!

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