Wednesday, May 30, 2012


No, this does not mean the baby showed us his/her butt in the ultrasound! This means we have a "honeymoon" before the baby comes..aka baby-moon! If we don't do this now, who knows when we will have alone time just as husband and wife together! This trip was very much needed, but the details of the trip was not planned well. Typically when I go on vacation, I like to pack it full with activities but seeing that I am pregnant and we have a limited budget, it is harder to find motivation to plan a vacation that is slower pace. Nonetheless, we had a wonderful time together at San Juan islands!

Although it was not a fun-packed adventure, it was definitely not a boring one. The best way to spice up a slow vacation is not to plan it! LOL! We knew the approximate time of the events we had going on, but we weren't exactly sure...we arrived at Anacortes harbor 15minutes before the ferry was going to depart, so we had to rush to look for parking and then run half a mile to get tickets and board the ferry! Great work out for the prego lady! Thank God the path from the parking lot to the dock was downhill! The same thing happened when we were supposed to board the boat to our Whale Watching tour...the boat was to leave at noon, but we had a lazy morning and got up at 11:30am!! Again, more running for the big mama! To add to the suspension, we arrived at the San Juan Excursions company and they said they cancelled their trip but we weren't informed! But luckily, we were able to get on board with San Juan Safaris that was just boarding their ship. The last running scene of the trip involves off boarding the ferry from Anacortes racing against time to get me on the Amtrak train from Seattle to Vancouver...The train was at 5:30pm and we docked at 3pm...that means the hill that I ran down is now an uphill battle to get to our parking spot!! Definitely too much stress for one pregnant lady to handle!!! However, we still praise God at the end of the day because we made it just in the nick of time for all the 3 running fiasco!

We saw some fun animals along the way as we were enjoying our breezy vacation...a deer was barely 2feet away from us as we were leaving Anacortes Harbor, so we had to take a moment to capture this kodak moment! The same thing happened when we were waiting for the ferry at Friday Harbor..we accidentally strolled into the pier where a semi-blind seal calls home! We were also about 2feet away from this seemingly peaceful creature! So much for paying for a tour to see the sea creatures! Although, it was definitely amazing to see the Dall Porpoises swimming along the bough of the boat...all 10 of them! 

It was relaxing to laze in our quaint little bed and breakfast at the Hillside Hotel; it was only a stroll away to the heart of town where we enjoyed the best fish and chips and calamari ever tasted. The hubby didn't hesitate to enjoy some beer as the sun shone so brightly on that first day of arrival, as if to welcome us to the start of our great vacation! The local organic lavender farm, Pelindabra produced some of the best products as well, along with a bottle of lavender oil which now we call our own :-) Rubbing lavender oil on pregnant bellies is suppose to help reduce stretch marks, not to mention leaving a wonderful scent!

Some progress of the baby growth, we are about a week away from discovering the gender...Linea Nigra has formed the second day of our baby-moon-vacation...its only a faint line that forms from my belly button heading down under!! And finally, my belly button is slowly turning into an outie!! Its actually kinda cute :-) I have increased my appetite and meal portion consumption...but sadly the bowel movements remain the same. Hopefully that means baby is growing bigger :-) The baby app on my phone says that at week 19-20 is when baby starts to listen and taste, so I am humming songs and the daddy is praying to the belly so baby can hear our voices :-)

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