Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Q&A Mama @ Week 18

I shall now begin a self interview on some frequently asked questions regarding my pregnancy...

Interviewer: Hi Mrs Martin, how are you doing today?
Jolyn: I'm doing just fine, thank you. Aside from the restless sleep I had last night, I feel pretty good.

I: Oh, is that common? Pregnancy and restless sleep?
J: Not really. Last night was the first time since the pregnancy that I had difficulty sleeping. I'm guessing that it is a combination of the increase in heat, since summer is starting, and Mei Mei was crying through the night.

I: Is the heat bothering you, aside from your sleep?
J: The heat doesn't bother me as much as the glare and direct sunlight onto my skin. I was told that the constant overcast in the Northwest causes Vitamin-D deficiency among its inhabitants thus creating a potential jolted reaction when summer comes. My roommate Diane actually was prescribed some Vitamin-D supplements during her pregnancy since she was facing some severe headaches when the sun shines. Not only that, since my eyes are adjusted to the gloomy-gray sky, it is difficult to adjust to the bright sunny days without experiencing some headaches. I am somewhat ashamed to admit this seeing that I am Malaysian, born and bred in a land where the sun shines all day long throughout the year!

I: Do you miss Malaysia anymore now that you are pregnant?
J: Not particularly more than normal. I do wish that my loved ones are closer so they can share in this joyous occasion with me. Although I do have some food cravings every so often. It's okay though, since I have a great roommate that can help me whip up some Malaysian cuisine in the kitchen :-)

I: Did you have any food allergies or nausea regarding food?
J: I think the biggest change in my diet is the frequency in food intake. During my initial pregnancy, I was unaware of the increase in calorie I was suppose to consume, thus I would get really dizzy and tired towards the end of the day as I would only pack my normal 1-meal lunch to work. When I found out about the need to balance my blood sugar level by snacking every hour or two, it took away my appetite. Since I snacked so frequently, when it was time for dinner, I didn't want to eat as I wasn't hungry. I knew I had to eat otherwise I would feel sick, but when I stuff myself, I would feel very bloated and air-y on the inside. I've now come to a happy balanced diet that is suitable for baby and me...I snack and eat smaller meals during meal time. My common snacks are string cheese, peeled baby carrots, wheat thin crackers, a fruit, yogurt, peanut granola bar, hard boiled egg, and occasionally soup. Instead of a 2+ serving size, my meals are typically 1serving size, and I am able to sustain my energy throughout the day by doing this.

I: Wow! Sounds like you have your diet all figured out! Is there anything else you had to change in your daily regime?
J: Well, I wish I could tell you that I work out more to maintain a healthy body, but with the hours that I work (Tuesday to Friday 6am-4:30pm) and the commute that I have to do (approximately an hour each way) that leaves me with little time for a regular work out. The good thing is that on alternate days, I do a lot of walking at the job site. Aside from that, there isn't much that's changed.

I: What about your husband? What does he go through to adapt to the pregnancy?
J (chuckles) The midwife diagnosed him with pseudo-pregnancy - that's when the husband experiences the symptoms of pregnancy without actually having the physical-hormonal change. He is gaining weight, a lot more tired (thus needing more naps) and is a lot more emotional than I've ever seen him. I am actually very blessed that he is experiencing this because it shows the strong bond we have in our marriage...how he subconsciously understands the changes that is to happen in our life soon, thus his body adapts to it.

I: Is your body changing much?
J: Definitely! Initially, I was afraid that I would balloon up like stuffed pig, but I am glad that my body seem to be in its regular-proportional size, aside from my growing belly. I used to my wear my regular jeans/slacks without buttoning them. Now, I can still fit in them but can't even zip it up! Thanks to the belly band, I can hide the unzipped pants and still dawn my regular attire. I think I weight about 118lbs now.

I; Here's the big question of the day -  Boy or Girl? Any gender preferences?
J: You know, my desire for a son or a daughter is affected by what my husband wants. On one hand, I want to provide him a son, if God willing, since most fathers wants a son to play with. But recently he told me that he wants a girl because then his little princess will be a pretty as mommy! I have an awesome husband, by the way :-) We've had several people making guesses on the gender...my mom says its a girl because I am craving more salty/sour foods as opposed to sweeter taste, however my friend JB's aunt says it is a boy because my left hands' pulse is faster than my right hands'! We will be going for an ultrasound in early June to find out, so we'll see if it is a Caden or a Violet.

I: Well Mrs Martin, thank you so much for your time. I hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
J: My pleasure. I look forward to the rest of my journey (potentially feeling the baby move soon?) :-)

That concludes my self-interview for this session.

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